Losing weight is something millions of people are trying to do right now. The process is fairly difficult, but it can be easier if you’re patient and consistent about some things. First things first, you need to put yourself on a healthy diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables. Next, you need to cut the sugar intake and make sure you eat 3 small meals while avoiding eating after 7 pm. Exercising is also important, which is why you need to hit the gym or go running or swimming at least 3 times a week.
Sudden weight gain may be linked to hormonal imbalance, especially if the levels of the stress hormone cortisol are out of order. The main causes of hormonal imbalance are certain foods that we eat every day, but we’ll show you a simple 3-step process that will balance your hormones and activate the fat-burning ones and help you lose weight naturally.
Step 1 – cut out the sugar
Carbs can make your body unable to lose fat. If you’re often consuming cookies, starchy vegetables, alcohol or processed foods will impair your body’s ability to burn fat, so if you want to lose weight, you need to cut the sugar from your diet.
Step 2- consume more vegetables or juice them
Beans and green leafy vegetables are great if you’re trying to lose weight. Consume them steamed or raw in order to start burning fat. Vegetables contain a lot of fiber and are great for your digestion. If you don’t want to consume them, try juicing them as an alternative. People that suffer from diabetes should consume more spinach, parsley, cauliflower and asparagus. Juice some of these veggies and sweeten up the juice with apple or carrot juice to activate your fat-burning hormones and lose weight easier.
Step 3 – a healthy eating schedule
If you want to lose weight, you need to train it not to crave food after 7 pm. You should eat at 4 or 5 pm. at latest. You can eat 3 smaller meals or 2 meals and a light salad in the evening. Stop drinking sugary meals and fruit juices and drink herbal teas or lemon water more often. Don’t skip meals – eat earlier for breakfast and dinner and consume cooked meals more often. Stop when you’re feeling full and chew slowly.
Step 4 (optional) – weight training
In order to lose weight, you need to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Add some light weight exercise to start burning your fat and build new muscles. Try starting with a 10-minute cardio exercise to warm up, then move to weight training. Repeat 2 sets of the exercise and relax 1-2 minutes in between sets. Repeat the exercises until you feel the muscles stretch.
1 comments so far
Really? This should be a given... You can almost just put this into a meme