Sunday, June 4, 2017

4 Easy Remedies to Lose Weight Naturally

We all know of herbs and other natural remedies that can help improve our memory and boost our libido, but could there be a similar solution for burning fat?

On Twitter, we got that exact question from a viewer, and the answer is that yes, other than exercise, you can help burn fat by adding certain foods to your diet.

Here are a handful:

Bone broth
Kellyann Petrucci, M.S., N.D., a weight loss expert, told that bone broth is one world’s oldest healing foods and can be especially effective when it comes to weight loss. Its power, she said, lies in the fact that it contains lysine, an anti-inflammatory agent known to aid fat burning.

Petrucci offered this tip: “Two days a week, do something called ‘mini fasting’ — that's where you sip on nothing but bone broth two days a week, have a light meal about 7 o’clock, and that will even heighten your fat-burning power.”

Studies show this super-spice can not only boost your body temperature, which can speed metabolism, but it can also improve your memory.

Next time you pour your morning cup of coffee or whip up a breakfast smoothie, consider adding a dash of cinnamon. That’s because the spice can help regulate your blood sugar — helping you avoid that dreaded 3 p.m. crash and control your appetite, to boot. Plus, like turmeric, cinnamon can warm your body to boost your metabolism.

You likely turn to this spice when you have a bellyache, but it turns out that ginger is also a powerful natural solution for weight loss. In fact, studies suggest adding this spice to your diet can increase your fat burning by 20 percent.
