Saturday, June 3, 2017

7 Practically Medicinal Foods to Eat for an Upset Stomach

No matter how careful you are with your diet or the number of times you chew your food, stomach upset happens. Because a rumbling tummy is not always preventable, it’s important to have a remedy or two to combat the inevitable belly bloat, indigestion, nausea, etc. And, while we often resort to taking over-the-counter medications to ease stomach discomfort, if there were an all-natural remedy that soothed stomach aches just as well as our favorite antacids, we’d be more than willing to give it a try.

Cue seven foods for upset stomach relief, all of which are completely natural and come highly recommended by nutritionists. From high-fiber oats to probiotic-rich yogurt and anti-nausea ginger, these nutritionist-approved foods aid in digestion and settle the stomach. So what are you waiting for? Scroll down to see the foods you should keep in your kitchen just in case of a stomach ache. For the seven foods that will soothe a rumbling tummy, keep on reading.

Farah Fahad, MS, RD, dietitian, recommends reaching for a banana when dealing with a volatile stomach, as it happens to be one of the easier to digest foods. Plus, she says bananas are a good source of pectin, which if you’re dealing with diarrhea, helps to bind the stool.

Had too much to eat? Fahad says sipping on peppermint tea aids in digestion by calming the stomach muscles, thus processing food faster through the stomach. Another tea that might just help ease your stomach pain is chamomile. Like peppermint tea, chamomile tea relaxes muscles. However, chamomile tea targets the muscles of the intestines, says Fahad, which helps to relieve gas while subsequently easing pain associated with belly bloat.

A rich source of proteolytic enzymes, papaya helps along the digestive process, says Fahad. She further adds that some of these enzymes (papain and chymopapain) help to break down proteins and soothe the stomach by promoting a healthy acidic environment.

While not everyone can tolerate dairy, for those who can, Fahad recommends eating organic plain grass-fed yogurt, as it aids in digestion by restoring good bacteria in the gut, thus reducing the uncomfortable feeling of belly bloat.

If your upset stomach turns into nausea, reach for some fresh ginger, says Fahad. While the exact anti-nausea mechanism of ginger is not clear, Fahad says some evidence suggests that it inhibits serotonin receptors and exerts an anti-nausea effect on the gastrointestinal system, as well as the central nervous system.

Gluten-Free Oats
A bowl of gluten-free oatmeal is the perfect remedy for an upset stomach, says Isabel Smith, MD, RD, CDN. Not only are oats a good source of fiber, but Smith says they aid in digestion while also helping to bind stools.

If you experience acid reflux, Smith recommends staying clear of mint. However, if that isn’t an issue, Smith says mint is a great natural remedy for indigestion, as well as belly bloat.
